Rent / Utility Assistance 2021


Rent and Utility Assistance 2021

The Harris County Veterans Services Department has limited emergency funding to provide short-term financial assistance for Veterans and their families in need.

This specific program will prioritize the most vulnerable and underserved in our communities; funding is limited, so please apply now

To qualify, the Veteran or family member must reside in Harris County and provide proof of job loss, reduced income or specific circumstance leading to application. 

Documentation required:

  1. DD-214 Veteran must have Honorable/General under Honorable Service to apply for assistance.

  2. Veteran Verification Form filled out by applicant and signed by applicant.

    < Click Here to download application form >

  3. Government Issued Photo ID.

  4. Evidence for Utility Assistance (e.g. Disconnect Bill).

  5. Evidence for Rental Assistance. (e.g. Notice to Vacate/Eviction).

  6. Complete copy of current Lease Agreement.

This funding does not include mortgage assistance.  If Veteran does not qualify for this specific program, we may be able to provide referrals to other programs.  To begin the application process, contact Harris County Veteran Services Department (281) 876-6600.       

X This program DOES NOT cover: X

  • Mortgage Assistance.

  • Car/Insurance Assistance.

  • Auto Repairs.

  • Childcare.

  • House Repairs.

Call us at (281) 876-6600 to begin your application process.

<Click Here> to download your application form.


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